Surinam Shopping and nightlife
Shopping in Surinam
Popular items include Maroon tribal woodcarvings, hand-carved and hand-painted trays and gourds, Amerindian bows and arrows, cotton hammocks, wicker and ceramic objects, gold and silver jewellery, Javanese bamboo and batik, as well as tobacco and liquor products. Chinese shops sell imported jade, silks, glass, dolls, needlework and wall decorations.
Nightlife in Surinam
There are several nightclubs in Paramaribo, often attached to a hotel, with live music and dancing. There are also a number of discos and several cinemas, including a drive-in. In general, it is best to stick to the hotels unless accompanied by locals who know the reputations of other nightspots, in particular those out of the town centre. The Local Events Bulletin lists all current activities and is usually available in hotels.